IT Documentation by type
Optiq OEG TCS Error List - Technical Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.354.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | |||
Optiq OEG TCS Error List - Technical Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.1 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | Optiq OEG TCS Error List - Technical Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.1 |
Optiq OEG FIX 5.0 Messages - Interface Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | The purpose of this document is to set out the client messages specification for Optiq OEG using FIX 5.0 format. More specifically, it describes the content of administrative and application messages and provides detailed field descriptions. |
Optiq OEG SBE Messages - Interface Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | This document sets out the client messages specifications for Optiq OEG using the SBE format. More specifically, it describes the contents of administrative and application messages and provides detailed field descriptions. |
Common File Transfer System Members - User Guide - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.1 + TC | Cash - Regulated Markets, Common File Transfer System /CFTS, Derivatives - Regulated Markets | The purpose of this document is to provide general technical information about Euronext Common File Transfer System Services. Euronext Common File Transfer System (CFTS) provides file distribution services to customers that have either an EMDDA (market data), SPA (Service Provider) or TPA (Trading Platform) agreement to get access to the core trading chain of Euronext. |
Common File Transfer System Members - User Guide - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.1 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Common File Transfer System /CFTS, Derivatives - Regulated Markets | The purpose of this document is to provide general technical information about Euronext Common File Transfer System Services. Euronext Common File Transfer System (CFTS) provides file distribution services to customers that have either an EMDDA (market data), SPA (Service Provider) or TPA (Trading Platform) agreement to get access to the core trading chain of Euronext. |
Common File Transfer System Members - User Guide - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Common File Transfer System /CFTS, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | The purpose of this document is to provide general technical information about Euronext Common File Transfer System Services. Euronext Common File Transfer System (CFTS) provides file distribution services to customers that have either an EMDDA (market data), SPA (Service Provider) or TPA (Trading Platform) agreement to get access to the core trading chain of Euronext. |
Optiq MDG Messages - Interface Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | The purpose of this document is to describe the Optiq Market Data Gateway. |
Optiq Files - Interface Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | The purpose of this document is to describe all the files required for Trading on Optiq platform. |
Optiq MDG Production Connectivity - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | This document provides all multicast addresses required to access the Euronext Optiq® Market Data Gateway Production and Disaster Recovery (DR) |
Optiq Drop Copy Service - Interface Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | This document is about the Drop Copy Service that provides, nearly, a real-time copies of required information produced by Optiq under trade reports and order messages format. To be able to connect to the Drop Copy gateway, clients will have a dedicated connection setup that fits their needs with a Drop Copy configuration allowing them to access to various “Logical Accesses”, for one, or across different Optiq Segments |
Optiq MDG EUA Connectivity - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets, Derivatives - Regulated Markets, Luxembourg Stock Exchange | This document provides all multicast addresses required to access the Euronext Optiq® Market Data Gateway External User Acceptance (EUA) |
MiFID II Commodity Positions Reporting v1.15 | Saturn | The purpose of this document is to describe the technology and the supported messages for Commodity Position Reporting requirements under MiFID II |
Saturn - User Guide - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Saturn | Euronext has developed a suite of reporting services to support clients to meet their obligations under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II and as amended and transposed into the laws of the United Kingdom pursuant to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 (“UK MiFID II”). |
Saturn Web Services - Detailed Functional Specification - Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Saturn | This specification document is related to the Euronext Saturn Web Services, part of Euronext’s Reporting Services. Saturn offers a REST API which is used to access the services of the gateway. The purpose of this document is to describe the technology and the supported messages |
Optiq OEG MDG - Kinematics Specification - Euronext Cash Markets - External - v5.353.0 | Cash - Regulated Markets | The purpose of this document is to describe Cash Market Kinematics for Optiq Order Entry Gateway (OEG) and Market Data Gateway (MDG) |